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:heavy_check_mark: Convex cut






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#pragma once
#include "Mylib/Geometry/Float/ccw.cpp"
#include "Mylib/Geometry/Float/geometry_template.cpp"
#include "Mylib/Geometry/Float/intersect_line_segment.cpp"

namespace haar_lib {
  template <typename T>
  void convex_cut(const polygon<T> &ps, const line<T> &l, polygon<T> &left, polygon<T> &right) {
    const int n = ps.size();

    for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
      const auto s = intersect_line_segment(l, line<T>(ps[i], ps[(i + 1) % n]));
      auto c       = s.crosspoints;
      if (s.is_leftside()) {
      } else if (s.is_rightside()) {
      } else if (s.is_overlapped()) {
      } else if (s.is_crossed()) {
        if (check_ccw(l.from,, ps[i]).is_clockwise()) {
        } else {

}  // namespace haar_lib
#line 2 "Mylib/Geometry/Float/geometry_template.cpp"
#include <cmath>
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>

namespace haar_lib {
  template <typename T>
  struct vec {
    T x, y;
    vec() {}
    vec(T x, T y) : x(x), y(y) {}

    friend auto operator+(const vec &a, const vec &b) { return vec(a.x + b.x, a.y + b.y); }
    friend auto operator-(const vec &a, const vec &b) { return vec(a.x - b.x, a.y - b.y); }
    friend auto operator-(const vec &a) { return vec(-a.x, -a.y); }

    friend bool operator==(const vec &a, const vec &b) { return a.x == b.x and a.y == b.y; }
    friend bool operator!=(const vec &a, const vec &b) { return !(a == b); }
    friend bool operator<(const vec &a, const vec &b) { return a.x < b.x or (a.x == b.x and a.y < b.y); }

    friend std::istream &operator>>(std::istream &s, vec &a) {
      s >> a.x >> a.y;
      return s;

  template <typename T, typename U>
  auto operator*(const vec<T> &a, const U &k) { return vec<T>(a.x * k, a.y * k); }
  template <typename T, typename U>
  auto operator*(const U &k, const vec<T> &a) { return vec<T>(a.x * k, a.y * k); }
  template <typename T, typename U>
  auto operator/(const vec<T> &a, const U &k) { return vec<T>(a.x / k, a.y / k); }

  template <typename T>
  using point = vec<T>;

  template <typename T>
  T abs(const vec<T> &a) { return sqrt(a.x * a.x + a.y * a.y); }
  template <typename T>
  T abs_sq(const vec<T> &a) { return a.x * a.x + a.y * a.y; }

  template <typename T>
  T dot(const vec<T> &a, const vec<T> &b) { return a.x * b.x + a.y * b.y; }
  template <typename T>
  T cross(const vec<T> &a, const vec<T> &b) { return a.x * b.y - a.y * b.x; }

  template <typename T>
  auto unit(const vec<T> &a) { return a / abs(a); }
  template <typename T>
  auto normal(const vec<T> &p) { return vec<T>(-p.y, p.x); }

  template <typename T>
  auto polar(const T &r, const T &ang) { return vec<T>(r * cos(ang), r * sin(ang)); }

  template <typename T>
  T angle(const vec<T> &a, const vec<T> &b) { return atan2(b.y - a.y, b.x - a.x); }
  template <typename T>
  T phase(const vec<T> &a) { return atan2(a.y, a.x); }

  template <typename T>
  T angle_diff(const vec<T> &a, const vec<T> &b) {
    T r = phase(b) - phase(a);

    if (r < -M_PI)
      return r + 2 * M_PI;
    else if (r > M_PI)
      return r - 2 * M_PI;
    return r;

  template <typename T>
  struct line {
    point<T> from, to;
    line() : from(), to() {}
    line(const point<T> &from, const point<T> &to) : from(from), to(to) {}

  template <typename T>
  using segment = line<T>;

  template <typename T>
  auto unit(const line<T> &a) { return unit( - a.from); }
  template <typename T>
  auto normal(const line<T> &a) { return normal( - a.from); }

  template <typename T>
  auto diff(const segment<T> &a) { return - a.from; }

  template <typename T>
  T abs(const segment<T> &a) { return abs(diff(a)); }

  template <typename T>
  T dot(const line<T> &a, const line<T> &b) { return dot(diff(a), diff(b)); }
  template <typename T>
  T cross(const line<T> &a, const line<T> &b) { return cross(diff(a), diff(b)); }

  template <typename T>
  using polygon = std::vector<point<T>>;

  template <typename T>
  struct circle {
    point<T> center;
    T radius;
    circle() : center(), radius(0) {}
    circle(const point<T> &center, T radius) : center(center), radius(radius) {}

  template <typename T>
  std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &s, const vec<T> &a) {
    s << "(" << a.x << ", " << a.y << ")";
    return s;

  template <typename T>
  std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &s, const line<T> &a) {
    s << "(" << a.from << " -> " << << ")";
    return s;

  template <typename T>
  std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &s, const circle<T> &a) {
    s << "("
      << "center: " << << ", "
      << "radius: " << a.radius << ")";
    return s;
}  // namespace haar_lib
#line 3 "Mylib/Geometry/Float/ccw.cpp"

namespace haar_lib {
  namespace ccw_impl {
    enum status {
      ONLINE_BACK       = -2,
      ON_SEGMENT        = 0,
      CLOCKWISE         = 1,
      ONLINE_FRONT      = 2

  struct ccw {
    ccw_impl::status value;
    bool operator==(const ccw &that) const { return value == that.value; };
    bool operator!=(const ccw &that) const { return value != that.value; };
    bool is_online_back() const { return value == ccw_impl::status::ONLINE_BACK; }
    bool is_counter_clockwise() const { return value == ccw_impl::status::COUNTER_CLOCKWISE; }
    bool is_on_segment() const { return value == ccw_impl::status::ON_SEGMENT; }
    bool is_clockwise() const { return value == ccw_impl::status::CLOCKWISE; }
    bool is_online_front() const { return value == ccw_impl::status::ONLINE_FRONT; }

  template <typename T>
  ccw check_ccw(const point<T> &p0, const point<T> &p1, const point<T> &p2) {
    using namespace ccw_impl;

    const T cr = cross(p1 - p0, p2 - p0);
    const T d  = dot(p1 - p0, p2 - p0);

    if (cr == 0) {
      if (d < 0)
        return ccw({ONLINE_BACK});
      else if (abs(p2 - p0) > abs(p1 - p0))
        return ccw({ONLINE_FRONT});
        return ccw({ON_SEGMENT});
    } else if (cr > 0) {
      return ccw({COUNTER_CLOCKWISE});
    } else {
      return ccw({CLOCKWISE});
}  // namespace haar_lib
#line 4 "Mylib/Geometry/Float/intersect_line_segment.cpp"

namespace haar_lib {
  namespace intersect_line_segment_impl {
    enum class status_t { LEFTSIDE,
                          CROSSED };
    template <typename T>
    struct result {
      status_t status;
      std::vector<point<T>> crosspoints;
      bool is_leftside() const { return status == status_t::LEFTSIDE; }
      bool is_rightside() const { return status == status_t::RIGHTSIDE; }
      bool is_overlapped() const { return status == status_t::OVERLAPPED; }
      bool is_crossed() const { return status == status_t::CROSSED; }
  }  // namespace intersect_line_segment_impl

  template <typename T>
  auto intersect_line_segment(const line<T> &l, const segment<T> &s) {
    using namespace intersect_line_segment_impl;

    const T a = cross(diff(l), s.from - l.from);
    const T b = cross(diff(l), - l.from);

    if (a == 0 and b == 0) {
      return result<T>({status_t::OVERLAPPED, {}});
    } else if (a < 0 and b < 0) {
      return result<T>({status_t::RIGHTSIDE, {}});
    } else if (a > 0 and b > 0) {
      return result<T>({status_t::LEFTSIDE, {}});

    return result<T>(
         {s.from + diff(s) * cross(diff(l), l.from - s.from) / cross(l, s)}});
}  // namespace haar_lib
#line 5 "Mylib/Geometry/Float/convex_cut.cpp"

namespace haar_lib {
  template <typename T>
  void convex_cut(const polygon<T> &ps, const line<T> &l, polygon<T> &left, polygon<T> &right) {
    const int n = ps.size();

    for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
      const auto s = intersect_line_segment(l, line<T>(ps[i], ps[(i + 1) % n]));
      auto c       = s.crosspoints;
      if (s.is_leftside()) {
      } else if (s.is_rightside()) {
      } else if (s.is_overlapped()) {
      } else if (s.is_crossed()) {
        if (check_ccw(l.from,, ps[i]).is_clockwise()) {
        } else {

}  // namespace haar_lib
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